Experience a Powerful Spiritual Transformation in Just One Session

Are you questioning whether you're on the right path or feeling stuck on your spiritual journey? Do you need deep and meaningful guidance to navigate difficult times? It's time to break free from the restrictions of the everyday world and align with your highest good.

Imagine leading an empowered, enlightened, and inspired life as you follow your true spiritual path every day. There's no need to continue feeling trapped or alone on your spiritual journey.

Experience a powerful connection with Zarius & The Order of 7. Let them guide and mentor you on your unique spiritual journey, so you can start manifesting the life your heart and soul desires.

Join The Order for an unforgettable channeling session and gain profound insight and healing like never before.


Your Light Path is shining brightly!

- Itโ€™s time to reawaken to the power of the universeย 


"There is a star map - your own star map - that contains your journey as a soul. This star map tells your history, a unique history, a history filled with love and gratitude. You feel yourself drawn towards your star on the star map, knowing that your imprint on the star heaven is set. How strong will your star shine tonight?"

- Grogen


Divine Guidance fromย Zarius &ย The Order of 7

Discoverย your unique frequency with a Personal Channeling Session and the help of Zarius & The Order of 7!

Are you ready to let go of limiting beliefs and create the life you were meant to live? Gain clarity on your soul's journey and unlock your true potential.


Embrace spiritual awareness and discover the power of love and compassion in navigating your life path. Trust in the wisdom of your soul and relinquish control to manifest your heart and soul's desires. It's time to reclaim your power and start living on your terms.

Don't let society dictate how you should live. Surrender outdated beliefs and connect with Zarius & The Order of 7 for transformative guidance and mentorship. Experience a profound connection and embark on a unique spiritual journey tailored just for you.

Join The Order for an unforgettable channeling session and experience profound insight and healing like never before.

  • Receive meaningful spiritual guidance from Zarius & The Order of 7.
  • Get a personalized channeling session tailored to your situation.

  • Embrace the freedom and power of following your true spiritual path.

  • Feel uplifted and inspired with newfound clarity and insight.

  • Feel securely supported and connected on your spiritual journey.

  • Feel connected, liberated and empowered walking your spiritual path.

"You must live your life from your soul. Be one with the soul and manifest that into the Physical. Fill your body with the soul. It is necessary to take action in the Physical to experience the trust that you have for your soul. Listen โ€“ and then take action. You will awaken the trust between body and soul."
- Zarius

Ignite the power within you alongside Zarius & The Order of 7. Through a Divine channeling session, you will connect with Spirit and allow your soul resources to unfold. Together, we will navigate your human experience and activate your unique frequency. Itโ€™s time to manifest the life your soul is calling you to co-create.

Book your empowering session today and transform your reality.


Michael Muller

Professional Accurate I was able to gain answers to questions I have held within me for many years. I am certainly going to re- listen every night to enable me to attune to this obviously high frequencies. Thank you.



I thoroughly enjoyed both the warmness of Vibecke and the wisdom of Zarius and The Order of 7 she channelled. I am still unpacking all the information I received from them. The recording of the session is a great idea as there is so much wisdom that every time I re-listen to the channelling, I learn something new from it. The messages are profound and deep and provide me with tools I have only just started to utilize. This channelling will provide me with the learning material for a long time to come. Thank you Vibecke and Zarius and The Order of 7!ย 



Unlock Your Soul's Potential

Embarking on the human journey can be tough for many. How can we break free from societal norms and embrace a life filled with love, authenticity, and purpose?

Zarius & The Order of 7, seven powerful frequencies, will help you to reconnect with your spirit and unlock your unique potential.

Let your soul take the lead as you speak your truth, share your gifts, and embrace a life filled with love and authenticity.

Their guidance will empower you to transcend your current reality and align with your highest good. Manifest the desires of your heart and soul by tapping into the incredible power within you.

Begin your transformative journey toward a life of joy and fulfillment.

"ย You are all Channels of Love. Your purpose embodies this love and to find your purpose and connect with the love you must first manifest it within yourself โ€“ self love. Only then can your life purpose shine and manifest with strength and power. Your choices become easier. Your freedom of choice increases and your heart becomes joyful."

- Zariusย 

Be Empowered with Guidance from The Order

Allow Your Soul to Lead the Way!

Book Your Personal Channeling Session

All sessions are pr-paid. Cancel anytime up to 48 hours before the session to receive a full refund.ย 

Recording of the session is sent via Dropbox.

"We are all one. We ask you, dear friends, to seek the stillness and to feel the energy each of us brings to the whole. ONE. In this way you will learn to activate this piece within yourself. Accept all parts of yourself to see the value of the wholeness, to be ONE."

Mother Tresnaย 

Anchor your Uniq Frequencyย 

Explore your true Power as a Multidimensional being. Your soul carries the wisdom of countless lifetimes across various planets, dimensions, and realities. Let Mother Tresna be your guide as you navigate and unlock the hidden treasures of your soul's journey.ย 




The Observer of Light Paths

Illuminate your soul's journey on earth with Grogen, the Observer of Light Paths. Discover the anchor within the radiant path of light, guiding you through time and space. Let Grogen provide clarity and a clear vision for your Soul's journey.




Discover your True Powerย 

Embrace the freedom within you and watch your Soul soar. Zarius, the messenger between the realms of energy, is here to help you uncover your purpose and speak your Divine truth.ย Zarius will help you uncover your soul's purpose and empower you to speak your Divine truth.




The Activator of Love

Ignite your heart's vibration with Gloria, the activator of love.ย Immerse yourself in the incredible power of unconditional love from The Source. Prepare to be filled with waves of Spirit and Soul, as your physical body connects with the limitless energy of the universe.



Frequency Activator

Trust the Power of your intuition and break free from the confines of your ego! Embrace your inner wisdom and embark on a journey of ascension. Let Ikna guide you to transcend your human limitations and co-create a life that truly fulfills your heart and soul.ย 




Life Force Ignitor

You are not here by chance; your ability to channel your energy from a place of oneness is crucial for our collective growth.ย By discerning the energy of your soul, you canย protect yourself from the influences of lower frequencies.ย Let Impala guide you towards higher frequencies and unleash the power of your life force energy.ย 




Initiatorย of Passion, Joy & Harmony

Ignite your soul and embrace the beauty of existence. Your purpose is to fully experience life in all its color and to nurture your inner spark. Let Inspiria be your guiding light, reminding you of the excitement you signed up for and filling your heart with gratitude for every precious moment. Embrace joy, passion, and gratitude - your keys to a truly fulfilling journey.

Channeler Vibecke Garnaas
Join me, as a channel for Zarius & The Order of 7, in discovering the wisdom and teachings that will guide you on the Light-Path. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey towards a new reality.

Deep within you lie untapped resources, waiting to be unleashed. By embracing your soul's journey and acknowledging your true purpose, your perspective will shift.

You will realize your worth as a human being and understand the impact you have on the grand scheme of things.

Embracing alignment will unlock a new reality, overflowing with love, abundance, and endless possibilities for all life on Earth.

Join us on this transformative path to illumination.ย 

What are people saying about their experience?

ย Channeling Session

I highly recommend a channeling session. It is the best I've ever experienced and I have already recommended it to several people.

The channeling was spot-on and very supportive. The first energy that came forward was imminent about me having boundaries, providing unwavering support. Gloria's energy was incredibly heartwarming, like the unconditional love of a mother.

After the session, I felt like a ton had been lifted off my shoulders and experienced a positive shift within myself. The sadness has disappeared and I feel like I'm on the right path, confirmed by The Order. This guidance is exceptional; it is pure love from both energies.


-ย Kristin

Channeling Session

I received more than I could have ever hoped for. The energies I experienced and the profound wisdom they shared have had a tremendous impact on my life. This spiritual guidance is on an elevated level which I rarely experience!

If your intuition leads you to Vibecke, then you're in for an immensely deep and meaningful experience.


- Andrรฉ Ediassen

Channeling Session


What an incredible transformation! My heart opened wide as I received the guidance I needed to embark on my life's journey. Walls came crashing down and limiting beliefs were set free. Compassionately guided, my questions were answered with ease.

And the guidance from Inspiria at the start was a wonderful bonus, allowing me to relax and fully receive.

I wholeheartedly recommend a channeling session with Zarius & The Order of 7. Vibecke is a phenomenal channeler with a powerful and pure energy that lifts you up.ย I was inspired on every level! I'll definitely be scheduling another session soon!


- Mari Kynningsrud


Channeling Session

Seven years ago, we received a transformative channeled message about writing a book. We decided to book a session with the Zarius & The Order of 7 to receive new instructions from the Spirit world once our book was published.

What happened next was truly incredible. The Order revealed details about our unique personalities that the channel had no way of knowing. They made it clear that this powerful channeling was a direct message from our spirit guides, and they gave us step-by-step instructions on how to share our book with the world.

We are eternally grateful to Vibecke for facilitating this amazing channeling session. It was a truly uplifting experience that set us on a path of empowerment and purpose.


- Per Hjalmar Svae & Tone Bell Rysst

Channeling Session

I've had several channeling sessions with Vibecke and The Order of 7, and it's always captivating.ย 

I'm alwaysย enveloped in a warm embrace of unconditional love that will leave me feeling incredible.

I receive guidance that is not only friendly but filled with acceptance and love for who I truly am.

I'm amazed by the abundance of love, clarity, compassion, joy, and power that comes from each session. I always gain new insights and perspectives that illuminate my life path.

The healing happens in real time and continues long after the session ends. With each playback, I discover something new and experience even greater clarity.

Channeling is truly magical!


- Janne Indriel

Channeling Session

When guided by Zarius & The Order of 7, I discover answers within myself. Today's guidance provided insight into the importance of being secure in myself before sharing my power with others.

Asking and receiving questions helps me become self-aware and conscious of my personal development. Gloria's words warm my heart, and the energy is soothing, promoting relaxation. I highly recommend having a channeling session with Vibecke and The Order.

If you're unsure if this is for you, I suggest giving it a chance. I'm certain you'll be pleasantly surprised. I've had the privilege of receiving guidance from Zarius & The Order of 7 multiple times, and the answers I receive are perfectly comprehensible. The conversation offers new perspectives, enhancing self-understanding.


-ย Rosa Laurendz

Channeling Session

Powerful, precise, and loving. I highly recommend checking it out!


- Eva Maria J.

Channeling Session

Very powerful, honest, and precise guidance. I recommend Vibecke warmly!


- Marthe K.

Channeling Session

It was a teaching moment, an honorable session, and an exceptional experience.

However, it was also a challenging and difficult one. It was not easy to ask or answer questions on the spot during the session.

But the love you receive makes you feel safe, reminding us that they are here to help and support you even when it may feel uncomfortable.


- Merete Gihbsson

Channeling Session

When you open your heart to accepting The Order's guidance, their messages are honest and filled with love. The wisdom they offer aids in my personal growth on all levels and brings me peace of mind.

If you are ready to embrace every aspect of yourself, both the good and the bad, your experience will be abundant with love.


- Bente Bjรธrgesรฆter

Channeling Session

ย I highly recommend going for it! You won't be disappointed.

I'm so happy I had the opportunity to ask numerous questions and receive amazing and clarifying answers.

I'm deeply grateful, and I will incorporate the advice I received into my daily life moving forward.


- Eva Helen B. S.