
PLR & LBL Hypnotherapy Consent Form

Have you booked a Regression (PLR) or Life Between Lives (LBL) session?


Please fill out the consent form.

Click the button to start.


Question 1 of 11


Do you have a medical or mental health history that could affect the session?





Question 2 of 11


If yes, please briefly describe your medical history. List any medications and current treatments. If no, write "none."

Question 3 of 11


Have you been hypnotized before?





Question 4 of 11


If yes, what was the reason, and when were you last hypnotized? If no, write "none."

Question 5 of 11


Why do you want to undergo a Life Between Lives (LBL) or Past Life Regression (PLR)?

Question 6 of 11


Briefly describe a favorite event or place that represents something positive and reassuring. Focus on conveying what you see, smell, taste, temperature, physical sensations, and other emotional reactions.

Question 7 of 11


Which of your senses is the strongest?


Sight (Vision)


Hearing (Auditory)


Touch (Tactile)


Smell (Olfaction)


Taste (Gustation)

Question 8 of 11


Briefly describe any uncomfortable ideas, places, animals, or images you do not want to be included in the induction. For example, fear of heights, claustrophobia, fear of water, or specific people you do not want to focus on.

Question 9 of 11

Do you meet the technical requirements for the online LBL/PLR session, including having a PC/Mac with sound, microphone, and video, and an internet speed suitable for online gaming or video streaming, using Zoom as the software?






I give my consent to be hypnotized by Vibecke Garnaas. I understand that a regression process may uncover unpleasant memories from the past, and that hypnosis with Vibecke Garnaas is not intended to treat or cure physical problems or mental disorders.

I understand that the information I am able to recall/remember about past lives, or life between lives, may be used for research purposes in connection with the Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy. This could be in the form of written publications or verbally, in connection with lectures or other events aimed at enlightening people about the soul's journey on Earth.

I understand that my name and other personal information that could identify me (with the exception of age, gender, and occupation if relevant) will not be used. I understand that my confidentiality will be maintained.

Question 11 of 11

Provide your consent by entering your full name, age, mobile number, and email address.

Confirm and Submit