
Gloria har en viktig beskjed til deg!

channelings english norsk Jan 03, 2021

Message from Spirit


Remember you are Divine.

Remember my friend that you are love! The highest form of frequency, connecting you to the Divine. Your path is blessed with the essence of the Divine and only through self-love will you open the portal of your heart and allow Divine intervention to appear in your life.

In your greatest despair, in your hour of need, your gateway is open to receive. Within your greatest joy, in your most precious moments, your are open to receive. That is when, my friend, your heart and soul speaks with conviction and allows the Divine to intervene.

You must remember that you are a channel of love, and through protection of self-love, your light becomes a torch reaching fare beyond your personal path in life. Your light, your love, are the greatest gifts you bring with you on your journey to earth, and life will teach you how to protect your light, the Divine, through your light path.

Listen to what your heart and soul tells you and trust that this is your path, and once again you will feel the power of the universe guiding you. Remember, you are never alone.

- Gloria


Hvem er Gloria:

Gloria er en av de høyfrekvente energiene i Zarius & Det 7 Rådet. Hun snakker til deg gjennom hjerte chakra hvor hun nærer egenkjærligheten og hjelper deg med å opprettholde hjertefrekvensen i møte med livet.

Hvilken kraft kan Gloria bistå deg med:

  • Gloria sin kraft responderer med Hjerte Chakra og hjelper deg med å opprettholde egenkjærligheten gjennom hjertefrekvensen.
  • Bistår deg med å finne kjærligheten til deg selv og se kjærligheten i andre.
  • Verner om ditt hjerte i møte med omgivelsene.
  • Åpner opp for hjertefrekvensen og den ubetingede kjærligheten.
  • Hjelper deg med å gjøre valg i egenkjærlighet.
  • Gir deg styrke og kraft i møte med lavfrekvent energi. Gloria beskytter lyset ditt når mennesket deg, føler frykt.
  • Nærer lyset ditt gjennom den ubetingede kjærligheten direkte fra Kilden.
Påkall Gloria når du føler deg mindre verdt og trenger hjelp til å gi slipp på negative tanker og følelser. Gloria vil fylle deg med egenkjærlighet og takknemlighet til livet.
Kanalisert av Vibecke Garnaas, 03. januar 2021


Step 2 - Activate Your Abundant Path

You’ve taken the first step toward a life of limitless abundance. Now, it’s time to open the next door.

This is your moment to align your energy with the infinite flow of prosperity that is already waiting for you. By entering your name and email below, you’re not just filling out a form – you’re saying “yes” to a profound transformation. You’re claiming your divine right to thrive, to create, and to receive the blessings the universe is ready to share with you.
Your name is the vibration of your unique spirit, and your email grounds this intention into your reality. Together, they create a powerful foundation for the energy of The Order's Channeled Abundance Transmission to flow directly to you.
Take this step with faith and intention. You are powerful. You are deserving. You are ready.