Do You Want My Help?

My intention is to assist you in breaking free from limitations that hinder your Vision and help you reconnect with your authentic self. This will enable you to honor your soul's mission and unlock the resources of your soul.

With over a decade of experience as a New Earth Strategist, Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist, and Channeler for Zarius & The Order of 7, I have assisted thousands of heart-centered individuals worldwide in reconnecting with their true selves and creating harmony in their lives. It would be my pleasure to help you activate your channel as well.

Would You Like to Work with Me Personally?

Most services are conducted online. Some services can also be provided in person, but only by appointment.


Unsure which service is right for you or want to proceed with your booking?

If you're ready to invest in yourself but need help making an informed decision, let me assist you in gaining clarity on what suits you best based on your energy, intention, and vision.

Book a free 20-minute Discovery Call with me.

If you are interested in the 3-Day Virtual Energy Reset Intensive, you will need to submit an application before booking your Discovery Call.

What Do Clients Say About Working with Me?

When do You Reach Out to Me?

"When I need loving, honest, and good guidance and awareness on three levels. Someone who sees all of ME and my worth. Struggling with self-love! Need help to be aware of the three levels to release and let go. To unblock obstacles." - Hilde V.

"When I need to connect more strongly to who I truly am. When I want and need to take ownership of my journey. Find grounding especially, and nothing else has helped. I know that when I feel I've done all I can myself, or have become blind to my situation and feel stuck, I will always come a step closer to myself, gain new insights, and thus move forward on my true path after visiting you." - Christine R.

What Are My 3 Best Qualities?

"Reading energy, meeting people where they are, and helping to uplift/illuminate the person/situation to see more clearly. With you, one always feels safe, seen, and cared for. It is safe to be vulnerable and show all colors. I always feel strengthened, inspired, and motivated after a conversation with you. A unique ability to see the bigger picture, show, teach, and assist others in opening their hearts, connecting with their souls, self-love, and living accordingly. That you channel universal power." - Caroline W.

"Inspiring, Honest, superb coach (both ordinary and spiritual). Proficient at reading energies, channeling, and is hardworking! Great LBL therapist." - Merete W.

What Value Do You See That I Can Provide?

"Listening inward. Shifting focus from the outside to the inside. Finding self-love, passion, zest for life, your true self, the bigger picture, and the holistic connection between humanity, Mother Earth, and the universe." - Christine R.

"Helping to tidy up one's own life, asking the right and important questions. Teaching to listen to oneself and to take care of oneself - self-love." - Merete W.

Every season of life comes with challenges that require a higher awareness to navigate the rapid changes of everyday life.
  • Do you let others’ opinions dictate your actions?
  • Do you struggle to express yourself?
  • Are you engaging in self-sabotage, holding yourself back?
  • Are you unsure if you're making the right choices and fear failure?
  • Do you try to control relationships or situations and end up feeling exhausted?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, your energy is likely anchored in the past or future and influenced by other people.

The solution is to incorporate energy work into your daily life. Focus on raising your vibrations by releasing outdated 3D patterns, integrating higher consciousness, and activating your unique frequency.

Free Resources on My YouTube Channel, Spiritual Quest Podcast, and Blog!

Sign up for my email list, and I will keep you updated on how to navigate everyday energies.

"My session was enlightening, empowering, and illuminating. I felt loved and guided. I learned a lot about myself and about communicating with the energy of the heart. I’m looking forward my next day on Earth to explore the opportunity to live guided by spirit and in service. Thank you, Vibecke! "

- Tsveta, Bulgaria

"It was amazing, way beyond any expectations! It was as if the words that were spoken were given directly to the entirety of my being. They felt so true. Like I could hear them with my heart and feel them in body. I got so much insight, more then I realize, as I feel like this is the just beginning of an unfolding. I ended the session with a profound knowing, that I am safe in this world. That I have a place, a meaning and a home in this world. Confident that I have to ability to find and live, on purpose. The many tools and advice I was given at the end of the session helps a lot to integrate the experience and to start developing a more conscious life journey. They are so ''easy'' to approach it's motivating to start putting them into practice. I am eager to start! What an amazing being you are, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

- Eva Maria, Norway

"I felt a deep connection with Vibecke and the soul work she does."

- Anna, Australia