
Have you ever taken a leap into the unknown?

english video english | Posted Feb 09, 2023

I feel like I’ve been walking through the shadows for the last couple of years, trusting my innate power to lead my path to fulfillment. It’s a strange feeling to experience hardship but knowing that this is the path that will help me to move beyond deep-rooted fears and transcend into a new state of being. Who knew that the forties would be such a purifying experience?

Change can be daunting. To take the leap into something unknown and unfamiliar requires faith, trust in...

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Have you heard of the Galactic Travelling System or Portal hopping?

podcast video english | Posted Jan 12, 2023

This is the first time I speak about how I've journeyed on the GTS, which I learnt from award winning author Tom T Moore, is called portal hopping.

Speaking with someone who can relate to what you've experienced is healing and I found myself at peace with finally revealing information about my experiences with extraterrestrial beings and travelling on the Galactic Travelling System with help from my Star team Star Gazer, Estella and Nova.

Tune in an listen to this mind blowing episode on the...

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Do you believe in UFO's and ET's?

podcast video english | Posted Jan 05, 2023

Podcast guest Tom T Moore is the author of the book First Contact: Conversations With An ET, is about the change the world!

In this episode of the Spiritual Quest Podcast you'll hear the incredible story of how he and his family is travelling to Antura's mothership to make documentaries. 

Click to visit Tom T Moore's website.

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Vet du forskjellen på å være jordnær vs jordbundet?

norsk video norsk | Posted Jan 02, 2023

Jeg mottok et spørsmål etter en personlig kanalisering hvor Zarius & Det 7 Rådet hadde snakket om det å være jordnær fremfor å være jordbundet, og hva det vil si å være jordbundet. Dette var et så flott spørsmål, og valgte derfor å lage en video hvor jeg forklarer hva det vil si å være jordnær vs jordbundet.

Hvis du opplever å:

  • være i hodet ditt
  • undertrykke følelsene...
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Why you should request a benevolent outcome!

podcast video english | Posted Dec 29, 2022

In this episode of the Spiritual Quest Podcast, we’re requesting a most benevolent outcome for our souls’ path with the author of the Gentle Way, A self-help Guide for those who believe in Angels, Tom T. Moore. 

Tom T. Moore is an award-winning author, speaker, and entertainment industry CEO. His books include The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide for Those Who Believe in Angels, a four-book series, First Contact: Conversations With An ET, and Atlantis and...

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Holiday Greetings to you and your loved ones❤️

Uncategorized | Posted Dec 21, 2022

Are you ready to embark on an incredible journey where you’ll reawaken to the Power of the Universe?

The last couple of years has taught us many great lessons helping us to evolve as human beings and expand as soul consciousness. This human experience is for most of us no walk in the park, and speaking with Spiritual teachers, healers, coaches, and mentors from around this beautiful planet, it’s clear that many light workers and torchbearers have used the last year to go within...

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Med ønske om en fredfull & takknemlig Jul!🌟

norsk | Posted Dec 20, 2022

Føler du deg klar til å ta steget inn i Skaper-året 2023?

Etter noen utfordrende år hvor mange lysarbeidere og fakkelbærere har kjent på viktigheten av lytte til sjelen og la den vise vei, ser vi nå frem mot et spennende år hvor sjelens-ressurser igjen skal få skinne sterkt og bidra i skapelsen av en ny og bedre jord for alt liv.

Sjelen har talt, men spørsmålet er hvor lydhør vi har vært til sjelens stemme....

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How do you know if you're channeling your Spirit?

podcast video english | Posted Dec 08, 2022


I met a familiar soul in this episode of the Spiritual Quest Podcast. My guest is a pure channel of love, and through her twenty-five years of channeling the Divine Feminine, Sheila Applegate has developed an intimate relationship with the Divine. And together they forged a path for her to access all levels of consciousness while navigating her daily life with joy. 

Her Divine Essence reaffirmed that more humans are reawakening to the Divine Power and that Light Workers and...

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How to create a relationship that is anchored within higher realms?

english podcast video english | Posted Dec 06, 2022

We're shifting and so are our relationships. We all line up with the people that we’re meant to line up with and when it’s time. It’s all about vibrational connection. So what does "the management" say about the future of human relationship? 

Donna-Marie is an intuitive Light Worker, Medium, and Facilitator of Transformational Energy Healing. The intention of her work is to show how easy it is to step back into alignment and return to full empowerment, wisdom, and...

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Are you being your authentic self? Do you truly know who you are?

english podcast video english | Posted Nov 29, 2022

In this episode, you'll meet Intuitive Light Worker, Donna-Marie. Her work is guided through Source Divine Light energy and with the help of her Spiritual Team, which she refers to as The Management, she helps people with their ascension process.

She says that you absolutely must know and understand your OWN energetic vibration as it is the key to aligning you to be the vibrational match to your goals and dreams. And I couldn't agree more!

Being authentic and standing in your power is the...

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